2023 Plot Registration
Welcome to the Rose Roots 2023 Garden Season,
In the Lucky month of Green, the buds are starting to peep through the snow and all of our plots have been filled in our Pre-Registration process. Gardeners have been invited to Register using the Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) Registration link. We are excited to see all of you this season.
If you haven't already, please register and pay for your plot by April 30. You MUST register and pay BEFORE you start working on your plot (i.e. getting the soil ready).
Please take a few moments to review our new webpage on Getting Started in your Garden for an overview on being a good steward in the Rose Roots community garden and planning for your plot.
As a reminder, Service Hours are a way for all of us to contribute to the Garden and there are many ways to earn hours (i.e. a full plot requires 12 hours, ADA/Half is 6) outside of weeding (although weeding inside and outside the garden is always acceptable!) Check out the Service teams to see opportunities where you can serve. And remember to LOG YOUR HOURS!
Upcoming Events Are:
Spring Kick-off - Garden Opening Party: April 29th at 9 am at the garden for our Kick Off Work Party. Come ready to help us get the garden started (i.e. get hoses out, clean up the barn, prepare compost area, etc. ) and visit your own plot (i.e. put down compost, planning design, etc.).
West Side Planting Project May 6th 9am - 1pm - We need volunteers for planting trees, shrubs and perennials. For full details about this project, please visit our website. We will be providing breakfast burritos in the AM and grilled lunch in the afternoon. We are looking for volunteers to provide Side dishes. Please contact Laura at leadership@roserootsgarden.org.
If you have questions, please email us membership@roserootsgarden.org.
We look forward to seeing you out at the garden!
Rose Roots 2023 Leadership Team
We will send monthly newsletters to keep you updated on garden activities and events and will send occasional updates. If you'd like to be removed from this mailing list, please email us Here.