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Rose Roots Event History

See What's Happening This year Here on our Calendar Page, and click on the event to get event details in the "Description".

Home Gardening

Event History

It is good to look back at all we've done together to grow community while supporting local healthy food systems. Here are some activities we've enjoyed together over the years!


2021 Events


May 23, 2021, 2-4 pm: The Season Kick Off Celebration was as success, despite the gale force winds! We had 3 live musicians, kite flying, Garden Trivia, seedling door prizes, and an introduction to members of our leadership team. We had about 40 gardeners in attendance and decided singing "The Garden Song" together should be a new tradition!


May 15, 2021: Kick Off Composting Workshop: Thank you to Karel, Glen and Julie for sharing with gardeners the basics of composting and our process at Rose Roots. Check the calendar for more trainings to come. We had about 10 gardeners in attendance.


Hose Rack Installation Day: Sat April 24, 2021, 10 am-2pm.

With appx 30 gardeners in attendance, we removed all hose racks and installed new metal hose racks, put out hoses, removed dirt from two of the disintegrating ADA wood boxes, and did some weeding while getting to know some garden neighbors. 

Check out more Years of Events Below:

Denver Urban Gardens Activities

Bookmark Denver Urban Gardens for seed and plant sales, workshops, and access to their events calendar.

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Rose Roots Community Garden  |  8412 Alkire St, Arvada, CO |  (720) 702-8806

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