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Rose RootZone: April News from the Rhizosphere

Good Morning Organic Gardeners,

Registration is Coming to a Close! We are so close to the end of registration on May 1st, with only a dozen plots left to get purchased. Thank you so much everyone for all your help in getting this done a bit earlier this season.

  • Those of you who have purchased your plots are welcome to start planting early crops and prepping your soil.

  • Remember, if you have a partner who works in the garden too, they must do a no dollar amount registration to be covered under the DUG insurance. Just put zero in all the pay questions, unless you want to donate more. Here is the link:

New Member Orientations Laura has been a busy garden orienter, giving over 22 new gardener orientations so far. She has made notes and will be connecting people with interests in areas of the garden.

  • There will always be new questions, even as a returning gardener. Please let us know if you'd like a garden orientation. If you have not been contacted by Laura, email

  • Laura is hoping to have these done by May 1 so you can start gardening when the water comes on early to mid-May typically.

  • The garden officially opens June 1. All plots must be planted or at least have been worked or it will be relinquished to someone on the waitlist.

Spring Celebration!

So excited to say we are going to do this masked, socially distant FUN thing! Since Covid is getting a bit more controlled, we have decided it would be of great interest to have an opening day celebration this season. Please come meet your garden neighbors. Reminder, the event could be modified or rescheduled due to weather, but we are planning on SUNSHINE!

  • There will be live harp melodies playing, things for children to do, introductions of Steering Committee, questions answered, freebies, seeds... etc!

  • Please mark May 2nd, 2-4 pm on your calendar.

  • Masks and social distancing still required of everyone.

  • BYO Chair, adult beverages, and snacks

Operations Making things Operational

Operations have some projects in mind to get things rolling this season. Check it out...

  • They will be repairing a couple of ADA boxes that need help before May, weather permitting.

  • Hose hangers replaced, with a workday to prep the garden included.

  • Lawnmower garages at the compost areas.

Spring Compost has Arrived Some of you have probably noticed the pile of compost on the northwest open area outside the fence.

  • Please ONE level wheelbarrow per plot, for now, to be sure that all gardeners get some.

  • Traditionally, if you need more, we have a deal through DUG, so we'll see what comes up to purchase at ACE or somewhere else.

  • Once the weather warms up we'll be making our own amazing compost too.

  • The pile that has a cover on it is horse manure that needs to cook for the summer to simmer it down a bit. Please do not disturb. Thank you Patty for organizing the pickup of these nuggets!

Bylaw Revisions The Steering Committee worked through some much-needed revisions on the Garden Bylaws since these were the originals from 2013.

  • Please take a look so you are familiar with what we stand for at

  • Thank you Erin for starting the process and to those that contributed!

Open Positions We are in need of some people who are interested in being leads for a couple of important positions. HELP WANTED:

  • Community Event Coordinator/Outreach - Organizes events throughout the season such as music, movies, education, workdays, open/closing celebrations, etc. Will need to attend or have a helper attend each event or at least setup.

  • Weekly Work Nite Leader - One night a week, lead gardeners that come to give back (i.e. volunteer) and complete jobs in the garden. Will need to be well versed in tasks that need completing in the garden. Training will be provided if necessary.

  • Many other jobs to be done as well. Please check out the website to sign up for a position.

Resources We are part of a larger community of gardens Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) who have many good resources. We also have a Facebook page (members only, can post), Instagram, and our website. Several of our gardeners are Master Gardeners or very seasoned gardeners that have a wealth of knowledge. Get to know them!

  • Colorado Veggie Guide -

  • DUG Earth Week Panels -

  • Companion Planting =

Do something special for Earth Day this season...

  • clean up plastic along the road/park/greenbelt,

  • plant a tree/bush or simply hug one,

  • learn about recycling or composting and put to action,

  • take a walk/ride to your destination,

  • Take care of our precious planet,

  • You've taken the first step by growing your own veggies, thank you!

We are certainly in mud season when it's sunny one day and snowing wet slush the next. It is mother natures way of moisturizing our precious earth. Very ready to put the garden plan into place and see the babies sprouting in our plots, meeting our returning and new gardeners again, and feeling the warm dirt in my fingers. See you there soon...

If you love the Earth It will love you Back!

For the love of gardening, Kendra and Steering Committee


NOTE: If you are curious and/or unsure, these dates are posted on the website with short notice updates if necessary.


PLEASE put these dates on your calendar so you get an opportunity to attend and meet your community!

Garden Online Registration March 1st - May 1st An email was sent to all gardeners with the link to purchase your plots. Please read all details to help you through the process. Email membership if you need any help. Spring Celebration Gathering Sunday, May 2, 2-4 pm At the Garden, IN PERSON! Oh boy! Please join us in celebrating Spring with music by Erin and her Harp starting the celebration! There will be interactive things for the children to do, games, information, freebies, seeds, etc. Remember a chair, snacks, adult beverages, masks, and social distancing. All Gardener Monthly Meeting Monday, May 3rd, 6-7:30pm Garden, NE corner children's play area, or virtually All gardeners, please join us for our FIRST monthly Garden Meeting of the season, at the Garden (hopefully)! Be a part of the decisions and ideas that form the place you grow your veggies. All meetings will be in person unless we have inclement weather, then reference the website calendar for the virtual meeting link. The agenda will be posted on the website prior to the meeting as well. Please BYO Chair and remember to social distance and wear a mask until further notice. Yippee for in person! Seedlings from DUG Monday, May 10th in the pm We will pick up seedlings from DUG to be planted in the Food Bank. Any additional plants are available for gardeners. Pollinator Garden Breakfast Party Sunday Mornings, 8-10am Starting in May each Sunday We are so lucky to have the best curb appeal ever just outside our front gates. Nicole and Tyler maintain this beautiful garden throughout the season with all their soul. They are both Master Gardeners so they have mounds of knowledge and are fun to help care for the pollinator's home. You will get service hours for helping out here. P.S. no food served just you giving our pollinators a place to make us food! The Buzz about Bees and other Creatures Sunday, June 6th, 1-2pm Pollinator Garden, at front gates Learn how buzzy, creepy crawly things help make our flowers and veggies thrive. Master Gardeners Nicole and Tyler will help you understand how all this beauty starts with the pollinators. Music at the Garden June, TBD Details to come once an artist is scheduled. Music at the Garden July, TBD Details to come once an artist is scheduled. Movie Night at the Garden! Saturday, July 24, 6:30-8:30 pm Date Nite? Kiddos outing nite? Just for fun with family and friends? Not sure of the movie yet but we got the free city equipment to show a movie in the garden. What movie?! Surprise revealed when details come. Put this one on your calendar! Music at the Garden August, TBD Details to come once an artist is scheduled. Wine & Paint or Paint and Wine Nite September, TBD with details End of Year Garden Celebration Saturday, Oct 23, 2 pm We have a cool surprise for the end of the season so hold onto your garden hats because it should be a blast! Details to come. *Please see the website for a full calendar for upcoming events! ** The agenda and minutes are posted to the website as well.

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So excited for a refreshing, renewing garden season!

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